Easter Sunday Service

Easter Sunday, April 8th 2007

The children singing: Breno, Thainá, Júlia and Leopoldo.

Our Congregation.

The youth has also sung; we will post the photos as soon as possible.


Twenty Lutheran college students from Gainesville, Florida (USA) will be visiting and doing mission work with our church from May 6-14, 2007. They will be coming to Portugal through CAN-DO Missions, a short termmission trip organization part of Concordia University at Austin.

The activities of these college students will involve helping us topaint our church facilities, visiting elderly in nursing homes, handingout flyers about the Portuguese Lutheran Church, teaching English lessons, worshiping, and presenting a play to the community.

If you have any question, suggestion, or if you want to support ourmission work e-mail us! Send your message to luterana.portugal@gmail.com or to Pastor Jonas Flor at flor.jonas@gmail.com.

Holy Week

Thursday, 5-Apr
14h Activities for Children - Painting eggs for Easter (Maia)
19h Devotional Service for the Holy Week (Maia)

Friday, 6-Apr
17h Service (Mem Martins)

Saturday, 7-Apr
18.30h Youth Meeting (Maia)

Easter Sunday, 8-Apr
10h Service (Maia)
10.30h Service (Mem Martins)

Palm Sunday / Lisbon Parish's Birthday

Palm Sunday, April 1st 2007

Parish Consolação's 16th Birthday - the President's Speech

Bible School for Children - Rute, Luana and Cristiana.