Getting famous

Hello! Today was another wonderful day! Early in the morning, we got separated into three groups which delivered the pamphlets to the neighbourhood houses. Then, we went to a nursing home in the city, Santa Casa da Misericórdia (Holy House of Mercy), where we knew how some old people lived while helped by these charity institution. The group visited the building, talked to the eldest and sang some songs to entertain them.

Later, after coming back home for lunch, we were taken to the Metro station, to go to a city mall. There we were able to buy some souvenirs and know a bit more of the Portuguese habits on their freetime.

This night was a very especial one. We took part in a concert organized by the Congregation, which also counted on a musical play and some hip hip songs. We couldn't forget our friends that got older that week, so we sang "Happy Birthday To You!" to Mike and Mary.

As it was Mike's birthday, the women in the Congregation decided to make a surprise for him. So, when we arrived home, there was a giant chocolate cake!

Tomorrow is another big day. We're going to work with children and have some more contact with the congregation. Don't miss the following chapter...

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