See you later!

The last day has, unfortunately, arrived. Everyone woke up very early in the morning, so that we could leave to Lisbon at 6 am. (Which turned to 7 am, because of some delayers), but we still had time for a last picture in front of Porto's Church. The trip was fine, almost everyone sleeped for a while (except our two kind-of-nerds), and we were all fresh when we arrived in Lisbon.

The service was a very beautiful moment. Vicar Landon played guitar with the Church's band, and our American choir sang one more time one of their beautiful songs. The was also something that most of us were not expecting: a little girl was Baptized, which someone said was the most beautiful way to end the mission trip. After the service, we took some time to take pictures with the Congregation and people who hosted them in Porto, and then we had luch with the Lutheran Lisboetas.

After lunch, we all went for a walk around Lisbon, for some sightseeing, and some had even decided to try some local pastry.

Saying goodbye has never been easy. In between many people crying, promises of visits, picture taking and hugs, we all could see how important this mission trip was for everyone.

Thank you very much, our friends! May God bless you in everything you do, and help you spreading His Gospel wherever you go.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Rebeca!

Thank you so much for updating the blog, and sharing all this information with us!!! It was great!! Hope you all enjoyed this experience as well as the group!! We would like to say a big THANK YOU for you, all your family, and the church members who helped a lot in this mission trip!!!

Blessings to you all!!!
