The painting day

Hello world, the CAN DO remains among us!

Today the group dedicated the day for community service which deserved the best of our thanks. We gladly ensure everyone that the local church is now brighter than ever and even if we had a beautiful diploma expressing our deepest appreciation it perhaps would not suffice to reciprocate their caring love and interest.

The boys trying to learn English.

Lunch: Feijoada (with black beans)

Teaching English to the children.

Mrs Rosa said "Muito obrigada!"

We had dinner with the congregation, and so the ladies made some pizza. Some pizza means pizza-for-fourty-people. But... the fourty people did not ate it all. Well, it seems that tomorrow we will have a very nice meal for our tour in the city.

*Unfortunately, Kelley could not join us during the day, as she was not feeling good and she had to keep away from the sun and too much heat. We hope she can recover soon, and we are praying for it.


Anonymous said...

The church looks great! Nice job FIRST! We too hope Kelley is feeling better. She hates to miss projects like this. Enjoy the rest of your stay. God Bless!
Glen & Beth Schumacher

Anonymous said...

Hope Kelly is feeling better today!

God's blessings to you all!!!
